Cash vs. Credit Card: Which Should I Use? You’re about to charge another $1 for an iced tea to your credit card. That’s the third time this week. You think it’s easier to carry a couple of cards in your wallet than a handful of cash and coins. Sure, cards are less bulky, but paying with cash means you won’t have to worry about your iced-tea tab a month from now. If you’re on the fence about the benefits of carrying cash, check out why paying with green is always better than swiping your plastic. Is paying with cash really easier than using a credit card? We think so. But the topic of using cash versus credit card is a hot one. People use a lot of popular excuses for keeping a card around, but we don’t buy any of them. Cash vs. Credit Card: What Are the Excuses for Credit Card Use? Excuse 1: I’ll blow through all my money because I lack self-control. Our response: Children do what feels good, but adults devise a plan and follow it. So be an adult— make a ...